Our Geographical Area of Focus
In the Fall of 2002 the Trustees of The Holley Foundation decided to focus a portion of their granting on projects and organizations benefiting the Southeastern Village area of Detroit.
The Southeastern Village target area is bounded by Mt. Elliot Ave. on the west, Mack Ave. on the north, Alter Road on the east, and the Detroit River on the south. There are nearly 50,000 people in the area, of which 13,229 are children. Most of these children reside in the eastern section of the target area. According to census data, 86% of the population is African American. 92% of the students enrolled in the area's schools are African American. Approximately 40% of the adult population did not finish high school and only 5% have earned a college degree.
A little over a third of the target population is employed and most of this group departs for work before school starts. The average income is $16,372 with more than 22% of households earning less than $5,000 annually. In addition, a large portion of the southeastern target area is within the eastern subsection of the Empowerment Zone. Most of the schools in the target area are overcrowded, perform below city averages on standardized tests such as the MEAP, and must deal with the challenge of improving student achievement as well as with numerous student-related ancillary issues. These issues such as meeting basic needs, discipline, and attendance often compete with teaching/learning time.
Although there are many deficits in the identified community, there are also many assets. The Southeastern Village is organizing to build upon its assets to create successful systems and to excel. The Southeastern Village is home to numerous families, schools, businesses, faith-based groups and neighborhood service organizations that are working together to achieve systemic change.
While The Holley Foundation will not limit its grants to this area, it will look for ways to benefit the area. Here are some ways this may take place.
If an organization submits a proposal that benefits this area along with other areas of the city, The Holley Foundation may ask that, if feasible, our grant funds be focused in the Southeastern Village area specifically.
If an organization is providing services to other areas of Detroit, The Holley Foundation may ask that organization to consider extending its services to the Southeastern Village with the support of our funds.
If a pair or group of organizations The Holley Foundation is aware of or involved with might benefit by working together, we will seek to foster a partnership between those organizations.